Data-Driven Decisions: Why Many Supply Chains Are Falling Behind

Supply chain leaders face numerous challenges in reducing costs, improving the customer experience, and expediting delivery times. However, a significant number of them are not effectively leveraging their supply chain data to inform their strategy. In this article, we explore the findings of a survey conducted by FourKites, a leading supply chain visibility provider, and delve into the reasons behind the struggle to make data-driven decisions. We also highlight the importance of digitization and technology investments in overcoming these challenges and achieving strategic objectives.

The Challenges of Supply Chain Management

Explore the top challenges faced by supply chain leaders in reducing costs, improving the customer experience, and expediting delivery times.

Supply chain leaders are confronted with several challenges in their quest to optimize operations and meet customer demands. The need to reduce costs, improve the customer experience, and expedite delivery times consistently rank as the top three challenges. However, a significant number of supply chain leaders are not effectively leveraging their supply chain data to inform their strategy and decision-making processes.

With the increasing complexity of supply chains, it is crucial for organizations to have a clear understanding of the obstacles they face. By identifying these challenges, supply chain leaders can develop targeted solutions and strategies to overcome them.

The Role of Data in Supply Chain Decision-Making

Discover the importance of data-driven decision-making in supply chain management and the current state of leveraging supply chain data.

Data-driven decision-making has become a critical factor in successful supply chain management. However, according to a survey conducted by FourKites, less than half of supply chain leaders are using their supply chain data to make strategic decisions. In fact, 14% of respondents reported not using supply chain data at all to inform any type of decision.

By harnessing the power of supply chain data, organizations can gain valuable insights and make informed decisions that drive efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance the overall customer experience. It is essential for supply chain leaders to recognize the untapped potential of their data and take steps to leverage it effectively.

The Digitization Challenge in Supply Chain Management

Explore the struggles faced by supply chain leaders in digitizing their supply chains and the impact of lacking a single source of truth for data.

While many supply chain leaders recognize the importance of digitizing their supply chains, nearly half of the respondents in the survey rated their digitization efforts as sub-par. The struggle to integrate internal systems and lack of a single source of truth for data further compound the challenges.

Digitization plays a crucial role in unlocking the full potential of supply chain data. With a real-time view of inventory levels, supply chain leaders can proactively mitigate risks, prevent stockouts, and enhance the end-customer experience. Overcoming the digitization challenge is essential for organizations to stay competitive in today's fast-paced business landscape.

The Role of Technology in De-Risking Supply Chains

Discover the importance of technology investments in mitigating supply chain risks and enhancing overall supply chain resilience.

Recognizing the need to de-risk their supply chains, 42% of supply chain leaders plan to invest in technology over the next six to 12 months. These investments are aimed at leveraging technology solutions to enhance supply chain visibility, optimize operations, and improve overall resilience.

Technology innovations, such as FourKites' supply chain visibility platform, enable organizations to eliminate silos, connect disparate systems, and leverage real-time data for better decision-making. By embracing technology, supply chain leaders can navigate uncertainties, mitigate risks, and create more agile and efficient supply chains.

Diversifying the Supplier/Provider Base for Risk Mitigation

Explore the trend of diversifying supplier/provider bases as a strategy to de-risk supply chains.

In an effort to de-risk their supply chains, nearly 52% of companies are diversifying their supplier/provider base. This strategy involves expanding the network of suppliers and providers to reduce dependency on a single source and enhance supply chain resilience.

Diversification offers numerous benefits, including increased flexibility, reduced vulnerability to disruptions, and improved negotiating power. By diversifying their supplier/provider base, organizations can better navigate challenges and ensure a more robust and reliable supply chain.


Supply chain leaders face significant challenges in reducing costs, improving the customer experience, and expediting delivery times. However, many of them are not effectively leveraging their supply chain data to inform their strategy and decision-making processes. The struggle to digitize supply chains and lack of a single source of truth for data further compound these challenges.

To overcome these obstacles, supply chain leaders must prioritize digitization efforts and invest in technology solutions that enhance supply chain visibility and resilience. By harnessing the power of data and leveraging technology, organizations can make informed, data-driven decisions that drive efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance the overall customer experience.

Furthermore, diversifying the supplier/provider base can help de-risk supply chains and increase flexibility. By expanding the network of suppliers and providers, organizations can navigate disruptions more effectively and ensure a more robust and reliable supply chain.

In conclusion, by addressing the challenges of supply chain management, embracing digitization and technology, and diversifying the supplier/provider base, organizations can create more agile, efficient, and resilient supply chains that drive success in today's competitive business landscape.


What are the top challenges faced by supply chain leaders?

The top challenges faced by supply chain leaders include the need to reduce costs, improve the customer experience, and expedite delivery times.

Why is data-driven decision-making important in supply chain management?

Data-driven decision-making is crucial in supply chain management as it enables organizations to gain valuable insights and make informed decisions that drive efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance the overall customer experience.

How can technology investments help in de-risking supply chains?

Technology investments can help in de-risking supply chains by enhancing supply chain visibility, optimizing operations, and improving overall resilience.

What is the benefit of diversifying the supplier/provider base?

Diversifying the supplier/provider base offers benefits such as increased flexibility, reduced vulnerability to disruptions, and improved negotiating power.

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