Revolutionizing Digital Health: InterSystems Startup Program Empowers Healthcare Innovators

Welcome to the world of healthcare innovation! In this article, we'll explore how InterSystems Startup Program is revolutionizing the digital health landscape by empowering startups in various industries. Join us as we delve into the program's support, resources, and investments that are driving collaboration and advancing healthcare accessibility and patient care.

Empowering Healthcare Innovators

Discover how InterSystems Startup Program is empowering startups in various industries to revolutionize the digital health landscape.

InterSystems Startup Program is on a mission to empower startups in the healthcare industry and beyond. By providing support, technical integration, resources, and investments, the program is revolutionizing the digital health landscape. Startups in healthcare, finance, logistics, and manufacturing are benefiting from this program, which offers access to tools, support, and networking opportunities.

Through collaboration with InterSystems, these startups are transforming the digital health landscape, improving patient care, and revolutionizing the industry. With the program's comprehensive support, startups can develop ideas, create prototypes, validate solutions, and prepare for funding rounds. They also get the chance to connect with industry leaders, potential investors, and strategic partners.

Expanding the Startup Program

Discover the latest additions to the InterSystems Startup Program and how they are making a difference in the healthcare industry.

The InterSystems Startup Program recently expanded its reach by welcoming eight new companies to its program. These startups are making a significant impact in the healthcare industry and beyond. Let's take a closer look at some of the latest additions:


AfyaRekod is a health-tech startup focused on health data ownership and interoperability. They are revolutionizing the way health data is managed and shared, putting the power back in the hands of patients.

Harmony Health

Harmony Health is a platform that connects vulnerable communities to hyperlocal community networks for health and social care. They are bridging the gap in healthcare accessibility and ensuring that everyone has access to the care they need.

Heartbeat Health

Heartbeat Health is a virtual cardiology company that provides on-demand cardiovascular services. They are making it easier for patients to access specialized care, no matter where they are.

Maia Labs

Maia Labs offers an AI assistant for endoscopic examinations. Their technology is revolutionizing the way endoscopic procedures are conducted, making them more efficient and accurate.


Maro is a pediatric healthcare company that promotes transparency in youth mental health intervention. They are breaking down barriers and ensuring that children and adolescents receive the mental health support they need.

Modern Trials

Modern Trials is a technology organization that streamlines clinical trial patient recruitment using EHR data. Their innovative approach is making it easier for researchers to find eligible participants for clinical trials.

Polygon Health

Polygon Health is a platform that empowers individuals to securely access and manage their health data in one place. They are putting the power of health data in the hands of patients, allowing them to take control of their own healthcare.

Health Circuit

Health Circuit is a provider of evidence-based integrated-care solutions for sustainable healthcare. They are revolutionizing the way healthcare is delivered, ensuring that patients receive comprehensive and coordinated care.

Comprehensive Support for Startups

Explore the three main pillars of support provided by the InterSystems Startup Program to help startups thrive in the digital health ecosystem.

The InterSystems Startup Program offers comprehensive support to startups through three main pillars:

Acceleration Programs

The program provides a six to nine-month intensive program to help startups integrate InterSystems technology into their products. This support helps startups fast-track their development process and bring their innovative solutions to market more efficiently.

Startup Growth Toolkits

Startups also have access to learning, technical expertise, and market resources through the Startup Growth Toolkits. These toolkits provide startups with the knowledge and resources they need to accelerate their growth and go-to-market strategies.

Venture Fund

The InterSystems Venture Fund actively seeks out and invests in health tech, fintech, and supply chain startups that leverage InterSystems technology. This investment provides startups with the financial support they need to scale their operations and make a lasting impact in the industry.

Driving Collaboration and Connectivity

Learn how the InterSystems Startup Program is fostering collaboration and connectivity among startups, industry leaders, and investors.

The InterSystems Startup Program is driving collaboration and connectivity in the digital health ecosystem. By bringing startups, industry leaders, and investors together, the program is creating a network of innovation and support.

Startups in the program have the opportunity to connect with industry leaders and potential investors, gaining valuable insights and potential funding opportunities. This collaboration and connectivity are essential for startups to thrive and make a meaningful impact in the industry.

Through networking events, conferences, and partnerships, the program creates a space for startups to showcase their innovative solutions and connect with potential customers and partners. This collaborative environment fosters growth, innovation, and ultimately, better patient care.


The InterSystems Startup Program is revolutionizing the digital health landscape by empowering startups in various industries. Through comprehensive support, including acceleration programs, startup growth toolkits, and venture funding, the program is driving collaboration and connectivity among startups, industry leaders, and investors. With the addition of new startups to the program, InterSystems is fostering innovation, advancing healthcare accessibility, data integrity, and ultimately improving patient care.


What industries does the InterSystems Startup Program support?

The InterSystems Startup Program supports startups in various industries, including healthcare, finance, logistics, and manufacturing.

How does the program empower startups?

The program empowers startups by providing support, technical integration, resources, and investments. Startups have access to tools, support, and networking opportunities to develop ideas, create prototypes, validate solutions, and prepare for funding rounds.

What are the three main pillars of support provided by the program?

The three main pillars of support provided by the program are acceleration programs, startup growth toolkits, and the venture fund. These pillars offer startups intensive programs, learning resources, technical expertise, market resources, and investment opportunities.

How does the program drive collaboration and connectivity?

The program drives collaboration and connectivity by bringing startups, industry leaders, and investors together. Through networking events, conferences, and partnerships, startups have the opportunity to showcase their solutions, connect with potential customers and partners, and gain valuable insights and funding opportunities.

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