Digital Women Awards 2023: Celebrating Women Entrepreneurs in the Digital Domain

The Digital Women Awards 2023 was a celebration of women entrepreneurs who have harnessed the power of technology and AI to achieve remarkable success in the digital domain. With 'Access To Success' as its theme, the event took place at T-Hub, Hyderabad, and put a spotlight on the inspiring stories of women who have used the power of digital to make significant contributions to technological advancements in the country through their innovative ventures.

Recognizing Women Entrepreneurs in the Digital Space

Learn about the Digital Women Awards and how it celebrates the achievements of women entrepreneurs in the digital domain.

The Digital Women Awards is a platform that recognizes and celebrates the achievements of women entrepreneurs in the digital space, highlighting their innovative ventures and contributions to technological advancements.

With the theme 'Access To Success', the Digital Women Awards 2023 took place at T-Hub, Hyderabad, providing a platform for women entrepreneurs to share their inspiring stories and showcase how they have harnessed the power of technology and AI to achieve remarkable success.

By bringing together women entrepreneurs from diverse cities and fostering a supportive community, the Digital Women Awards have created an environment that encourages excellence and innovative solutions in the digital domain.

Marketing: Empowering Organizations to Reach Customers Effectively

Discover the winners in the marketing category who have made significant contributions to strategic marketing and content creation.

Kamna Hazrati, founder of AndPurpose, is a winner in the marketing category. Her modern strategic marketing consulting firm partners with organizations to empower them to reach their customers effectively and convey their core missions and values.

Another winner in the marketing category is Bhavana Pandey, founder of Wytti. Her firm specializes in creating witty, tailor-made, and objective-driven content for B2B businesses, helping them stand out in the digital landscape.

Leadership: Driving Innovation and Supporting Companies

Learn about the winners in the leadership category who have demonstrated exceptional leadership skills and made a significant impact in their respective fields.

Alka Mehta, founder and CEO of PayAid Payment, is a winner in the leadership category. With expertise in Payment Solutions in B2B and B2C segments, she has driven innovation and provided valuable solutions to businesses.

Another winner in the leadership category is Meghna Agarwal, founder and CEO of IndiQube. Committed to supporting companies, she offers the best coworking space and creates an environment that fosters collaboration and growth.

Solopreneur: Reviving Traditional Indian Handicrafts

Discover the winners in the solopreneur category who have made a significant impact by reviving traditional Indian handicrafts and creating conscious brands.

Shiksha Shah, founder of Scrapshala, is a winner in the solopreneur category. Her women-led conscious Indian brand revives traditional Indian handicrafts using the approach of upcycling, creating sustainable and unique products.

Another winner in the solopreneur category is Shaan Khanna, founder of Networking Now India. Her vibrant community elevates networking and connects entrepreneurs and freelancers, fostering collaboration and growth in the digital space.

Content: Inspiring Creativity and Body Positivity

Learn about the winners in the content category who have used their creativity to inspire others and promote body positivity.

Shivani Goswami, content creator and founder of Asli Craft Shala, is a winner in the content category. She encourages people to make crafts through leisure activities, inspiring creativity and promoting the preservation of traditional crafts.

Another winner in the content category is Diksha Singhi, content creator on body positivity and founder of A Little Extra. Through her handmade jewellery business, she promotes body positivity and empowers individuals to embrace their uniqueness.

Celebrating Innovation and Impact

Discover the winners in categories like Disruption, Impact, and Artificial Intelligence who have made significant contributions to technological advancements.

The Digital Women Awards also recognized winners in categories like Disruption, Impact, and Artificial Intelligence. These women have made groundbreaking contributions to technological advancements, driving innovation and creating a positive impact.

Some of the winners in these categories include Midhula Devabhaktuni, Rinju Rajan, Nidhi, and Sandhya Agarwal, among others. Their achievements demonstrate the power of women entrepreneurs in shaping the digital landscape.

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