Discover the Enchanting World of the Missoula Butterfly House

Welcome to the Missoula Butterfly House & Insectarium, a magical place where the beauty of butterflies and the fascinating world of insects collide. Get ready to embark on a captivating journey filled with interactive learning stations, awe-inspiring butterfly pupae, and a deep appreciation for the wonders of nature. Join me as we delve into the story behind this extraordinary establishment and discover why butterflies hold the key to unlocking our curiosity about the insect kingdom.

The Inspiration Behind the Butterfly House

Uncover the story of how the Missoula Butterfly House came to be

Discover the Enchanting World of the Missoula Butterfly House - 8333944

Every great endeavor starts with inspiration, and the Missoula Butterfly House is no exception. It all began with a transformative trip to a butterfly house in Seattle, where I, Jen Marangelo, the executive director of the Butterfly House, discovered the captivating world of butterflies and their power to ignite curiosity about insects.

Having previously worked at the University of Montana, I recognized the educational value of bugs and decided to pursue my passion for insects. This led me to enroll in the Masters of Interdisciplinary Studies program at UM, where I deepened my knowledge and understanding of these fascinating creatures.

With the support of Bryce Christiaens and the Missoula County Department of Ecology & Extension, we found a new home for the Butterfly House at the Missoula County Fairgrounds. This partnership allowed us to establish a permanent building, providing a sanctuary for butterflies and a place for visitors to immerse themselves in the wonders of the insect world.

A Kaleidoscope of Butterflies

Step into a world of vibrant colors and graceful flight

At the Missoula Butterfly House, you'll be greeted by a kaleidoscope of butterflies, fluttering freely in a captivating display of colors and patterns. With approximately 500 free-flying butterflies at any given time, you'll witness the mesmerizing beauty of these delicate creatures up close.

Marvel at the intricate designs on their wings, each unique and awe-inspiring. From the vibrant blues of the Morpho butterflies to the delicate pastels of the Swallowtails, you'll be enchanted by the sheer diversity of species that call the Butterfly House their home.

Take a moment to observe their graceful flight as they glide through the air, their delicate wings carrying them effortlessly from flower to flower. It's a sight that will leave you in awe of nature's incredible artistry.

Interactive Learning Stations

Engage in hands-on experiences that bring the world of insects to life

At the Missoula Butterfly House, learning becomes an adventure. Explore our interactive learning stations designed to engage visitors of all ages. From magnifying glasses that reveal the intricate details of insect anatomy to hands-on activities that allow you to discover the wonders of metamorphosis, there's something for everyone.

Step into the shoes of a beekeeper as you observe a live beehive, marveling at the complex social structure of these fascinating insects. Or dive into the world of entomology through our educational displays, where you can learn about the incredible diversity of insects and their vital role in our ecosystem.

Our knowledgeable staff is always on hand to answer questions, share fascinating facts, and guide you on your journey of discovery. Get ready to be inspired and gain a newfound appreciation for the intricate world of insects.

From Downtown to the Fairgrounds

Trace the journey of the Butterfly House to its new permanent home

The Missoula Butterfly House has come a long way since its humble beginnings in downtown Missoula. After the first facility opened in 2015, the insects were temporarily relocated to the Montana Natural History Center when their lease expired.

Thanks to the support of individuals like Doug Emlen, a Regents Professor at UM, and Larry Gianchetta, former dean of UM's College of Business, the Butterfly House found a new home at the Missoula County Fairgrounds. This partnership not only provided a permanent building but also opened up new opportunities for growth and expansion.

The construction process and fundraising were not without their challenges, especially with the added complications of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, with unwavering dedication and the support of the community, the Butterfly House has emerged stronger than ever, ready to inspire and educate visitors for years to come.

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